Friday, March 6, 2009

This time, the Men

Talk about vanity. I have splashed the photos of the lovely ladies here. Vanity though is not the women's monopoly. The men, too, play vanity fair.

The men of this Law School come in different shapes and sizes too (depends on what you are measuring). My apologies to those I have not photographed. I still think, as an amateur photographer, women are better subjects than men. This time though, let's give it to the men. There are those who looked and smelled Cosmopolitan. Some are GQ quality. Some are just plain busy to create and I must admit I belong to this category and that is why I spared myself from this post.

You be the judge, ladies.


  1. dude, you were absent during lunch time...had the greatest time playing poker with the gang...the banker was also there, and as usual, the noisiest group in the vicinity was none other than us( btw, we had lunch somewhere in matina beachline....i think, lisa's was the name of the resto...).better hone your poker face, dude, ITS the "IT" thing nowadays....

  2. announcement to all...da col and kaye gurl will be celebrating their bdays this month...dunno wer d party is yet though or even if there will be one...anywayz, just wanna greet the two of them the happiest!!!(fold)

  3. noblewolf:
    That's not fair! Where was I? I mean, you we're gone in seconds. The poker face comes naturally, but the poker is defintely not (yet) my cup of tea. With your help this time, we'll see.
    Too bad.
    Really, bad.
    And we call ourselves friends, oh friends.

  4. noblewolf:
    Da Col and Kaygee...I'll raise the ante to ten.
    There is no excuse not to party. It's a crime. I mean, hey, God gave you the gift of life. If you want to stay breathing, let others lose theirs eating your feast, y'know what I mean?

  5. hehehe...gotta give it to ya man, any reason is a good enough reason for a parteeehhh for me!
    anywayz, i cant get why people don't tell you your real age (and for some, even going as far as changing their friendster profiles in order to get way with it...)isn't getting old the REAL (read:ultimate) goal of life?
    well,for some who has the gray hairs to prove it, cheers man for still having them!!!(paging engineer!!!hehehe...joke!!)hehehe...

  6. Yeah, I agree.
    I have gray hairs on top of my gray matter. But why hide your age? Do people want to stop counting?
    Me? I'll keep on counting.
    There's art in aging.
    The art of aging gracefully.

  7. Frankly though.
    I'm immortal.
    I don't age.
    No protests allowed.

  8. Hahahah! I was a about to make my objection heard if not for Mastermind's latest post. Hehehehe..

  9. Rally, Protest of any kind is not allowed, but silent protest may do. Just keep it within yourself, or else!!!!!!!!!
