Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Prom, one more time

Due to insistent public demand, I am bringing back the Prom blog in here with some photos published by request. Those who wanted to comment may just fire away. This is a free country.

Styf here asked her controversial photo published, so she has deemed to have waived her right to question this publication.Tisha has got some more here, and Cris too. Of course, we cannot accommodate everyone's request, but we're glad you did visit this blog and scribbled some comments. 


  1. It seems that Mr. Paras is having a hard time with his tie. Is it the tie or the one being tied? Hmmmmm

  2. The tie, the tied, the tying. Ties, oh ties. Cris must have asked, Mr. Paras, you got it all tied backwards. Like your name spelled backwards.
