Monday, March 2, 2009

Oh, how they danced

I should've been in this mad group of danceaholics masquerading as law students (or is it the other way around? whatever), good thing a foot injury not of an arthritic kind saved me from this madness. My supposed partner Jo backed off at the last minute as she thought my dancing skills are suspect and are but product of a well-concocted hype. Her suspicion paid off handsome dividends (but cost her a handsome partner...eherrrm). Seriously though, the final performance of an otherwise uneventful prom saved all the efforts from going to naught. The dance took off anti-climactic, wasting precious minutes for some last minute costume changes but it was worth the anxious moments and loss of income. Well, they just made sure there will be no gown malfunctions or boob slips of the Superbowl kind. If you ask me to describe it rather aptly, it was what you may call a choreographed mayhem, a rhythmic chaos, and an artistic sabotage committed by a band (more than four-legged malefactors). The coup d'grace is a brainchild of Adolf and Sweet with some conspirators in the person of a newly promoted Police Colonel and a court interpreter. Enough of the Few Good Men.
I doff my hat to you guys. Great job. Bravo!
(Hey, where's my hat?)


  1. "The dance took off anti-climactic, wasting precious minutes for some last minute costume changes but it was worth the anxious moments and loss of income."

    Hahahahah! I apologize for the delay. We were surprised by the announcement that the dance number is next, when it's supposed to be after the awarding.. Hmpf!

  2. It's ok dear. Don't take it seriously.

  3. anywayz, its the after party that matters...had trons of fun that's to hoping every night is prom night after party(without the expenses of course....hehehe)

  4. "its the after party that matters...had tons of fun that night" ---o yah! lets do it again...

  5. Sure thing. Soon as Adolf recovers from the financial losses.

  6. got that right dude...oh well, as in everything nowadays-blame it on the damned recession!!!
